Friday, 13 November 2009

ICT Week
We have had a great week looking for and using different forms of ICT. We went on a walk looking for ICT in the local area. We recorded ourselves doing drama and PE. We also had great fun working with an artist to use an OHP to make shadows on the wall in the shape of fireworks. We then used different techniques and media to copy and decorate the shapes. We have been working really hard with our ICT targets on saving our work too.
What ICT can you see around your home or near to where you live?

Friday, 6 November 2009

Photograph Competition!
Don't forget to bring in your entries for the 'Light and Dark' photograph competition by Tuesday 10th November.

Bonfire Art Work
This week we have been having lots of fun creating brilliant bonfire art for our whole school competition. We used lots of different materials and techniques and everyone did a great job.