Saturday, 26 June 2010

Featherbank World Sports Week
What an excellent week we have just had! All the children in school were split into 6 teams (France, Greece, Australia, USA, South Africa and Mexico) and they completed lots of team activities such as flag making, learning about their country and tasting food from their country. On Friday we held our World Sports Day and children from each team competed in races to find out which team would be the winner.
Congratulations to the Australia team!
All the children had a super time. They enjoyed working with children from different classes and they learned lots of valuable lessons about taking part and being great sports people. Well done to everyone!
Congratulations to Class 1 who won the rounders match - although it was a very close contest!
We had lots of fun and hopefully we can have a rematch before the end of term.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Healthy Living Week
Next week (14th - 18th June) is 'Healthy Living Week'. We will be learning lots of important facts about being healthy as well as doing lots of fun activities. This will finish with a Class 1 v Class 2 rounders match on Friday. We will let you know the result!