Thursday, 30 September 2010

Welcome to our Year 2 blog
We will be using this blog to share the fantastic work we have been doing with you. Feel free to leave comments!

We have had a great start to the term. The children have worked so hard and have settled in really well.

Here is some of the work we have been doing so far.

We have been having lots of fun with snails in science.

'We had an investigation to see what the snails like to eat. They had lettuce, basil and mint. Lettuce was their favourite food'.
Florence Nightingale
We have been learning about Florence Nightingale. We have done some brilliant role-play, safely found out about her on the Internet and done some fantastic letter writing.
Maybe you could ask your child to answer these questions:
Who was Florence Nightingale?
Why do we remember her?
Why is she called 'The lady with the lamp'?