Friday, 21 January 2011

Bird fun
Yesterday we worked with an artist. We drew birds and tried to show that we were looking at them through a frame. It was lots of fun and we did some great work.
Hannah wrote:
'with the artist we made pictures of birds in different frames like cages and windows. We enjoyed it'

Erin wrote:
'we made a colourful bird and some dull birds. We made a frame for it. I drew a puffin. The frame was a telescope'.
Have a look at our fantastic work!

Homes for 'The Three Little Pigs'

We have had lots of fun designing and making homes for 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children worked together to find suitable materials for the homes.

Class 2 have done some writing about the activity:

'To build a house for the three little pigs we used polystyrene because it is very strong and looked water proof. We used red plastic for the roof because it was water proof and looked quite strong. We used cardboard because it was the best material for the door because it would make a fantastic door. We used masking tape to hold it together.' by Maggie and Joe

'We made our house out of polystyrene.We are doing about houses. We chose polystyrene because it was strong. Also we did plastic because we thought it will be a good roof.' by Kiara and Sam H

'Our group choose polystyrene because it was strong. We thought plastic would be waterproof. our house was strong.' by Rohan and Amelia