Thursday, 10 December 2009

Winding mechanisms

Class 1 and 2 have been making some fantastic Christmas and winter winding mechanisms this week.

Mirror Competition

Class 1 and 2 really enjoyed designing and making mirrors for a competition run by the Carriageworks Theatre. They are being displayed at the theatre and we are looking forward to seeing them when we visit the theatre to see 'Snow White' in January.

Class 2's mirror was chosen as the winner of the competition and we had a special visit from the 'Wicked Queen' to say congratulations. Well done Class 2!

Friday, 13 November 2009

ICT Week
We have had a great week looking for and using different forms of ICT. We went on a walk looking for ICT in the local area. We recorded ourselves doing drama and PE. We also had great fun working with an artist to use an OHP to make shadows on the wall in the shape of fireworks. We then used different techniques and media to copy and decorate the shapes. We have been working really hard with our ICT targets on saving our work too.
What ICT can you see around your home or near to where you live?

Friday, 6 November 2009

Photograph Competition!
Don't forget to bring in your entries for the 'Light and Dark' photograph competition by Tuesday 10th November.

Bonfire Art Work
This week we have been having lots of fun creating brilliant bonfire art for our whole school competition. We used lots of different materials and techniques and everyone did a great job.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Well done to all children for making a super start to Year 2. It has been a great half term and we have lots more exciting things planned!

Have a lovely half term children and parents.

From Miss Dangerfield and Miss Lawton

Friday, 16 October 2009

Bramley Fall Woods trip

We have been on a fantastic trip to Bramley Fall Woods this week. We went on a nature walk to explore what was living there. We were even set a challenge to find the biggest and the smallest leaf there!

Class 2 have been writing about their day:

when we were going I was really excited . I really wanted to collect lots of leaves,conkers and acorns.

At the wood we collected leaves,toadstools,moss,bark,conkers.We also went to the park. I collected a lot of acorns.When we went to the park it rained a lot.At the woods we got to know a lot.We had a quiz.

It was great! the toadstools were amazing! we saw oak tree. I saw a moth. I collected a oak leaf.

After the trip we did painting. And sketches. And drawing.And collaging. And rubbing, measuring and research. my favourite bit was the sketches.

we copied some leaves on a piece of paper it was really fun and mrs rhodes discussed some more about the leaves.

Florence Nightingale topic

Over the last couple of weeks we have had a fantastic time learning about Florence Nightingale. There is a display of great work in Class 1 and an excellent role play area in Class 2! Two Year2 children have written about what they found out:

Last week we found out about the life of Florence Nightingale. we know she got poorly. she was famous because she was a nurse. she died in 1910. she was born in 1820. we wrote about Florence Nightingale. she didnt get married. she went to the Crimean War.

Last week we found out about the life of Florence Nightingale. we did drama it was fun. she heard god in the garden. she went to a school to be a nurse. she became famous. she got a medal for being a helpful lady.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Welcome to the Year 2 blog!

We hope to use this site to keep you up to date with the fantastic things that we have been doing in school.

Watch this space!