Thursday, 27 September 2012

Do you know a poem by heart?


What about your mum or dad, or one of your grandparents - did they learn a poem when they were little that they can still remember now?

Why not ask them!

Next week is Children's Book Week and on Thursday 4th October we will be celebrating National Poetry Day. We're hoping you will try to learn a poem and then come to school and perform it for your class.
There will be a special assembly on Thursday when we will hear poem performers from every class - will YOU be a Year 2 poetry star?
Do you have a favourite poem? Why not tell us on the blog?

Friday, 14 September 2012

Have you read a GREAT book lately?

Don't forget to tell us about it!!
It's a good idea to recommend a book you have really enjoyed to your friends.
How can you do this?
  • Tell them!
  • Bring the book to school to show it to the class.
  • Write down the title and the name of the author.
  • Write a blog post and put your recommendation on here!
We can't wait to share your favourite books!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Welcome to Year 2

We will use this blog to keep you updated about all the exciting things we have been doing. Please feel free to post comments. Your comments won't appear straight away because we need to approve them first. We will try to update the blog as often as possible so keep visiting us!

Here is a question for you to answer. You can post your answer on this blog.

What are you most looking forward to about being in Year Two?