Thursday 27 September 2012

Do you know a poem by heart?


What about your mum or dad, or one of your grandparents - did they learn a poem when they were little that they can still remember now?

Why not ask them!

Next week is Children's Book Week and on Thursday 4th October we will be celebrating National Poetry Day. We're hoping you will try to learn a poem and then come to school and perform it for your class.
There will be a special assembly on Thursday when we will hear poem performers from every class - will YOU be a Year 2 poetry star?
Do you have a favourite poem? Why not tell us on the blog?


  1. I have SO many favourite poems!

    Here is one I really like though: "Dad and the Cat and the Tree" by Kit Wright. It always makes me laugh!

    If you Google the title you may be able to find an online version of the poem being read to you.

    Let me know if you like it too!

  2. Well, today was Poetry day and you were AMAZING!

    Our Featherbank Poetry Stars made us very proud in a lovely assembly.

    Well done to everyone who learned a poem and performed it to their class.
    Mrs Robinson

  3. I really liked the cat poem. It made me laugh a lot.

  4. I'm looking forward to doing more poems in year 2.

    1. Good! Look in our book area, Adam, there are lots of poetry books you can dip into!

  5. I loved the poetry day and I practised a poem called bonfire night.
